New Dawn On Freedom

 New Dawn On Freedom

Can you feel it. Yes, you can when a poll says 7 out of 10 Americans believe America is heading the wrong way. That our children will not have the same opportunities to Freedoms, rights, Liberties, and economy. That the best day of America is behind us. We are optimists in Republican People of Color. Bullish on America. We believe a new Dawn is needed. It is time we people of Color voted for the party of the optimists in America. Vote Republicans. Did we not witness the shutting down of our churches, Mosques, Temples, synagogues, and places of worship during covid when liquor stores and strip clubs were open. Demoralizing believers across America. Are you not paying more for gas in your car, energy bills, food costs, medicine, and everything else. Does your pension or 401k look depleted compared to when republicans oversaw the economy. Yeah, you can feel it. Hope is going away. Be hopeful, you have a chance to rectify the ship of America people of color.

Vote Republican. No party is committed to the wellbeing of our economy than republicans. Especially when the ship is faltering. The remedy of socialism is not going to work in America. It has not worked anywhere applied in the world. Why should we go that route. True, trickle-down economy is like waiting on rain from the table of the rich and super rich. But when have we not celebrated wealth of others in America to want to grab it and take it. Wealth redistribution done by the government is asinine. Milton Friedman said, “A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither”. This man understood economics and advised our government to creating the greatest amount of wealth. A generation ago. He knows what he talks about.

This pessimism is infecting America. Why would 70% of our great people who built this country believe our best days are behind us. It is because the democrats, media, congress, and universities teach the values of me, me, me culture instead of what made America great. The we, we, we the people culture. Why would Americans believe no matter how hard they work, or their children will work they will get less. It is because we have settled for less under Democrats. They have ideas for our country that is based on identities rather than national vision. Many fell left out, and we people of color have voted overwhelmingly Democrat yet still poor, a majority of us. Generationally we have voted for democrats only to hear promises unkept. Democrats speak well of our dreams as people of color. But deliver nothing of those dreams to us generationally.

What have republicans done for us People of color in the last 60 years you may ask? We’ll have we invested our votes in them as our party as we have for the democrats? You get back what you or we put in as People of color in America. We overwhelmingly put in with Democrats. Question to you? Are we better off today because of it? A question asked by Republicans today. Republicans are asking for a chance to earn your vote. Will you not take a chance on Optimism instead of the pessimist party of Democrats.

We Republican People of Color not only will hold accountable our Republican colleagues but also spear head Optimism. The belief in America once more. We are Americans. Pioneers, adventurers, creators, culture and the best country in the world.

Shake off your pessimism we urge our people of color. Vote Republican and give them a chance. You will see what we see in Hope. Hope for a good economy, better lives and better opportunities than exist today under Democrats.

Hope for more freedoms from governmental overreach. Hope that the Republican party of Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and George Bush is here for you today.

We Republican People of color urge you all to vote Republican this time, its time. For hope to a better future not in rhetoric but actions that bring about a change in sail of the ship we call America. We are in a storm right now. Many are losing hope. Remember who we are, we are Americans. The can-do people. We urge you to add another syllable to our vocabulary as People of color. We are Republicans. Coming out now for we need a new dawn on all our freedoms. A new contract with our communities of color for the democrats have failed us again and again. Into pessimism.

Its time, this time we vote Republican as People of color. Help bring about a new dawn on all our FREEDOMS.


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