School Choice Your Choice

 School Choice Your Choice

Are we against the existing platform of education? YES! We are against the failing of our kids. I could quote statistics, but we already know that as parents of People of Color. But would let you check out The Educational Opportunity Monitoring Project: Racial and Ethnic Achievement Gaps (  They say it is the pot of money available in our inner-city communities compared to suburbs funding of public schools. This is true but to insist throwing money into the pot constantly over decades with the same rhetoric by our Democratic fellow citizens to keep giving us generation after generation of under educated less prepared student of People of Color is unacceptable. They say we don’t want to mix religion and state. Hence religious institutions cannot get federal funding to get access to funds to educate and meet this need. That is idiocy. If there is a group of people educating our kids at a level higher than the current means. Then by all means fund them. Nobody says secular or atheists cannot form their own schools. Milton Friedman the great economist suggested in 1955 that school choice was needed to uplift America out of the morass of undereducated students. We are racializing poor public education means when poor white kids are in the same boat as People of color. But it is People of color, blacks and Hispanics disproportionately affected. We all already know that to be true. The facts of our government system of education as it exists today.

You have a choice. The choice is School Choice. Where our government gives you the parents the money directly to use in any school you choose. Why should we be the ones with generations of not prepared students even for college? We all know higher learning means higher income and mobility in America. Why should we People of color accept failing schools and pour even more money into a venture that has failed us for generations. Not one but many generations of our people.

Democrats oppose school choice. They believe we need more money for schools that are already failing our kids. Republicans offer an alternative. Your choice Parents. Let those parents who want their kids to stay in the government system choose to stay there. Those who believe religious, secular, or home schooling is an option for them. Give them the money, our tax money, to do so. They Democrats say well the rich schools will have more money and the money coming from the pot for poor kids is going to dwindle. True, for America never funds our schools to the way they should for our people of color. School choice will uniform the process state by state. If federally done, then uniform this process federally across America. Just give the taxpayers of America a choice. Give hard working parents of America School Choice. Let them choose which school best fits their kid’s needs. Parents of children of color know and understand our kids are not dumb but the education system as it exists in America is dumb. If this was a capitalist venture bringing in underperforming quality of product, education. It would be kicked out of the market by a natural death. Why is it then that Democrats believe they need to maintain this system of inequality of underperforming Kids of color in our great Republic and democracy.

That is why we Republican People of Color urge all parents who have kids and grandkids to vote Republican this time, it’s time to get our kids the choice to go to private, charter, religious, secular, or home-schooling means beyond just existing system. Our money, Our taxes, Our choice. School Choice is the answer.

Democrats don’t want that for you. Republicans do. We are tired of inter-generational failure in American Education system as it is. I am willing to try something new. Time to throw out the bath water is upon us all. The Democrats have been throwing our babies of color out with the bath water in under educating them for generations. Our kids deserve a first world level of education. Our choice is school choice. We urge as Republican People of Color. Vote Republican. It’s time, this time. For our Kids of color in America. Vote for republicans School Choice your choice.


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