Nothing is more personal than money. We all want it, seek it, work for it, and spend it. They say money makes the world go round. Well, damn we as the American Race People are not going around, we are going backward under Democrats. Below is a chart of prices of goods and services under Trump and Biden. Both presidents of America. Both are given the same economic outlooks. Notice the difference. I don’t know about you, but we people of color are at the bottom of every index of income in America. That means we are paying more for the same goods and services in America. We know and understand the 10-dollar note is the new $1 note in America for real. We are hurting out here earning nickels to what amounts to ten cents of living expense just to keep what we have. We are all working class working two or three jobs now to keep not increase what we have in standards of living in America. Poor white folks and working-class Americans are in the same boat as us. And they wonder why the working class is deserting the Democratic Party today.

The economy I must give it to Bidenomics is doing good. Wages have increased, and unemployment is at record lows. These are facts no one can deny. But look closely, whose economy is doing good? Not me or you, the working class of America. The American race of people. It is who pays for influence in government and their policies that make banks now. Have you seen the statistics on middle-class families in America? They are becoming and being classified as lower class because of the costs of things. It is not that there is no mobility in America. It is just that no matter how far we go now to increase our means our take home keeps on reducing faster than we can make now. What my friends, Allie, and partners sought was inflationary means on the American economy. Below is a chart on rent and mortgages in America. To own a house today one must make $120k income annually. That is not our circle majority of people now. Rent is much higher than our income now. Look at the data from the government itself now. So, whose economy is doing good? The mortgage and rent rates are too high. We the people are spending more working just to keep what we have now in America. The American dream is dying. On democrats watch now.

Rent Prices Versus Income in America for American Race Of People


What’s the solution America? sacrifice the democrats say to all for the greater good. They increase taxes and take even more of our money. No, look to your cities and states that are blue now. How many tax initiatives have been deployed on you? From city, county, regional even state taxes. Take Minnesota for example. The perfect uniparty state in America. Hailed as the model because the House, Senate, and even Supreme Court of state are all Democrat-led. We went from having an $18 billion surplus budget to being spent. Then they added $10 billion in new taxes on the books. Then they built a palace for 750 million dollars for the government. True most of these are programs aimed at alleviating the conditions the people find themselves in Minnesota. These are policies aimed at fighting hunger, and other societal issues. The difference is we are robbing Peter to pay Paul now. Personal responsibility is now societal responsibility. This is for the greater good now. But damn we were the working class and business class earning a nickel, with taxation and other means you are adding another nickel to their backs now. And the cost of living is a dime for all of us too. They democrats are destroying the goose that lays the golden eggs.

If handouts worked, we Americans would be rich now. What the Republican Party espouses is a hand up—getting that $10 billion in taxes off your backs. Opening opportunities for all to compete in markets. Freeing us from ever more taxing and spending government Milton Friedman the economist called it, “If the government were in charge of the Sahara Desert, we would run out of sand”. We know the government produces nothing. But offer an important service to all. We understand the tendency to redistribute means by democrats-led government is noble. We Republicans don’t trust the government to be the entity to do so—believers in a free market. We understand you cannot tear down the strong to empower the weak. We all become weak and crumble then. Socialism is the most sought-after value of mankind. But the reality is it does not work in our global competitive environment of enterprise.

Take for example taxes on sugars. What are chocolate companies doing in America? Moving out of America to maximize and maintain profit. Yes, we can tax the rich. But watch the rich just move their money elsewhere to maintain profit. It is that world now. Eating the rich and taxing the rich is never gonna be a solution. Unless all of us tax ourselves and work exclusively for the government. When did we sign up for 40% of everything, we make to go to government now? In essence, 40% of the time, effort, and energy you put in life works to earn a living or a profit belongs to our government. Maybe that is a problem now. Maybe we need less government taking out money in our lives. Maybe if they just step a little away. Cut red tape because government bureaucrats exist just to create bureaucracy. A smart businessperson frustrated by business regulations in America told me, that bureaucrats do so to keep relevance and cut into us like 1000 cuts by rules and regulations. It makes them vital to means and ways now. The government has become a stopping checkpoint for innovations and progression.

The new monopoly in America is governmental regulations and means. The growth of everything of government into all our lives. Not enterprise, not science, not technology, and not industry in America. Every other nation is offering labor, land, less taxes, and incentives of less red tape to get business and be competitive. It already costs too much to do business in America. Not that we don’t have a skilled labor force, highly educated populations, or people willing to put in to get out. What we have is a monopoly government that kills it by rules and regulations which they keep on adding at the rate of 10,000 pages of bills in every state, congressional, and senate means of passing laws in America. No lobbyist or special interest is left behind but you and I the American race of people are, the buck stops with us now never them. Which ends up at the end of the day for us working ever more for them. More money leaving our pockets heading their way now.

Reagan was a genius. He understood it immediately. Think about this process. We had inflation than under Jimmy Carter, we had employment deficits in America, we had a resurgence of wars across the world then, we had a crisis of confidence of the American consumer, and we just didn’t have enough to buy now. The graph below shows the difference he made for America. Reagan taught us all as president of the United States of America “Government is not the solution; it is the Problem”. Went about dismantling rules, regulations, and taxes. Cut things to put money back into Paul’s pockets and told Peter to get a job. He then said and preached to America, “The best social program is a JOB”. America boomeranged into power, respect, and authority with confidence under his tutelage and leadership. Inflation was tamed. That is a limited government and Republican Party platform today.

Inflation Index under Presidents of America.

We want the same now. A republican regime in power that believes in the people and gets as much of government out of our lives and pockets. Maybe just maybe we the people of the American race know better how to spend our money than our government. After all we the people at least live within our budget, unlike government-run deficits that even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lender of last resort to the world is warning America on deficit spending. Your child born today owes over $200k by the time they hit adulthood in debt to the government. Damn, they are telling our future to eat cake now. Time to go on a diet is upon us all. Not just the working class, middle class, and working poor can’t even afford groceries now but our government.

 Hard times are coming irrespective of who wins the election in 2024.

Social security is nearing insolvency, Medicare and Medicaid are underfunded and our debt obligations even surpass just paying interest on our entire military budget.  But you already know who tax and spend your money into weakness for all will not be the Republicans now.

Eating the rich is not the solution. A handout is not the solution. A hand-up by getting as much of the government limited and out of our lives is the solution. Corporations, businesses, industries, and the jobs and wealth they create are the solution. No red tape, rules, and regulations galore under Democrats to limit them, thereby limiting all of us in their trickle-down misunderstanding of the destruction of American enterprises.  We Republican people of color understand that aspect of economics. Maybe yours is different, but I will respect it if you believe more taxes to the government in wealth redistribution will help you and not hurt you, more power to you. For those of us who ran a business or lived by a code of profit and loss. We know differently. Ask California which raised the minimum wage for restaurants, now 20k Californians are out of a job, and restaurants and others closing because of it. Here is a good deed done by the government that ends up doing the opposite of things now.

Today the Republican Party announced, unlike California. Removing taxes off tips and wages for all service workers of America. Now that is a good deed by the government that not only puts money into the pockets of people who need it to spur spending and consumerism that goes a long way. No one will lose a job because of it. However, the government reduces tax intake. Limiting our government in its money grab process.

Democrats destroy jobs with ideology, it feels extremely good to raise the minimum wage for all workers now and then the rich just move their money elsewhere and we the people lose jobs.  Republicans create them with reality. Cutting taxes that translate to wage hikes for all. Pouring more income to the people by starving the government. Heck, we are already there as the American race of people even our barbecues this summer are lean and less meat, we can’t afford it anymore now like we used to under Trump compared to Biden.

Well, the best welfare we can get for our people of color is jobs now. We seek hand-up, not handouts, that stuff has not worked for any American in the last 60 years. It just pushed poverty down generations and robbed all of us of our future in deficit spending means including our children and grandchildren now. That is what is at stake in this election in 2024

Our Republican people of color are to create the narrative and speak plainly. This article is a very long explainer of what we intend to espouse in 45-second messages and infographics now in messaging means to the masses. We need you to cause now. Our urgent need today is a lawyer and a professional fundraiser. To add to the team. If you believe these values. We are espousing. We need you taxpayer of America. We have work to do now and explain it to the masses to win 2024 for the Republican Party’s means of governance for the American Race of People. Our target is Republican People of Color.

We need you, taxpayer. Call, email, text but reach back. We have work to do.


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