President Barack Hussein Obama is our generation’s most significant global orator in Politics. This heading was the tagline of his speech and many others, like our avowed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, who railed against billionaires. He was followed by a billionaire from Illinois who bragged about his wealth. The dystopian perspective of our fellow members of the previous Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy is visible. Reflective of the 1968 convention of the Democratic Party. There is chaos outside again, with the police called upon for protection. When their services are not needed, budget cuts and lack of immunity protections should lead to the defunding of Police Departments across America by these same Democrats.

The convention is skillfully organized, and the speeches are compelling about nothing. The central theme of this story for America is to assign blame to Trump, Republicans, and the portion of America that is considered traditional in values called extremists publicly. A new era is approaching: the first ever woman of color presidential candidate of America. The blame Trump camp was so effectively deployed at the Democratic National Convention that they mentioned Trump 150 times on the first day alone. Presidential contender Kamala Harris mentioned Trump 21 times in under 37 minutes, talking about your hopes and dreams, America.

Every good story has a beginning, body, and conclusion.

People of color who are Republicans are asking you to use your eyes and ears once more. Using these senses to nourish our minds for survival is instinctual, which means learning from the evolution of understanding.

Let us commence this story from its inception.

Once upon a time, we had a vice-presidential candidate in an administration that touted its economic achievements as recently as July 2024 under President Uncle Joe Biden. The party claimed a new candidate in August through a Zoom meeting involving only party elites and insiders. Your vote or the consent of party members was not allowed, nor were the delegates you sent to the Chicago Convention. They claimed they would fix the horrible economy. The same economy they chaperoned for three years now.

The same border czar as Vice President who allowed over 10 million people to enter the country unchecked will now halt the process. For good measure, Kamala Harris blamed Trump for it.

The same individuals who previously accused us of xenophobia for advocating for a border for our country are now saying that we require more people to counter America’s declining population growth—at the same time, sermonizing the people of America that the right to abortion is a fundamental choice to be upheld.

The same story began with a declaration that a border wall would not help America. However, at their convention, they erected a WALL around the building and blocks for the safety of their party within the American city of Chicago. In the same narrative of the story, Democrats claim that asking for identification of citizenship to vote is an essential duty of a citizen, as espoused by Republicans is voter suppression, extremism, racism, and xenophobia. However, those who support this claim also demand identification to get into the same democratic Party Convention as others who support them in every manner and shape—their own Democratic Party Delegate. To access the building of the Democratic National Convention, you must present an ID and a government-issued document.

The convention’s theme is to heal America, as our democratic brothers and sisters told us. While outside, some in their base are burning American flags in protest, revolting against them. Even the communist wing set up shop outside.

The story is about Project 2025, which involves the revival of the Russia Collusion Hysteria from the 2016 playbook. Democrats promote this tactic. It is a hoax, if anything, like the Russia collusion, about nothing. Complete with a big book size for you to see. A hoax of fiction deployed to get you scared of Republicans and Trump again.

The story must be finished, but your deceitful eyes and ears cannot perceive the truth. The media told you Beyonce would perform; people tuned into the Democratic National Convention by the millions for that now.

As mentioned before, the sole story is to blame Trump, hate Trump, fear Trump, and despise Trump. Maybe you forgot the reasoning, which is deployed because they have sealed fate by process alone. They gave America the Russia Hoax, Two impeachments, and 91 convictions for Trump. They want 500 years in jail for the Republican Presidential opposition candidate. You know, they want your vote to rubber-stamp the process. They programmed you Democrats, along with media, elites, powerful, and establishment, to do so.

The story is only complete when the beginning is told clearly.

Vice President Kamala Harris told us that the guardrails are gone for presidents in America, the same position she wants you to put her in without guardrails of even knowing her policies and agenda outline to you in America. Hence, socialist-style price control and over-taxation mean galore coming your way, from your golf balls to capital gains of your stock trades citizens, patriots, and taxpayers of America, for more government to run your lives broke. Just hate Trump and Republicans, and go vote for Democrats. Feel the vibes, folks, be happy, stick it to the MAN, and own less.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris said we will fix America’s horrible economic conditions of we the people on day one of her administration. For the last 16 years, Democrats held the White House for 12 of them. The people who had power for the most prolonged duration, Democrats, blame the individuals, Republicans, who served the least time. This is the same story delivered every time. Every election by Democrats.

Trump is a racist and will sell out the country for a dollar. Our proud sister from New York, AOC, said so. Let me put this here. Information your eyes and ears can easily google in public data presidential worth before and after office.

Barack Obama- $1.3M to $70 Million

George Bush- $20 M to $40 Million

Bill Clinton- $1.3M to $241.5 Million

George H. W. Bush- $4M to $23 Million

Donald Trump- $3B to $2.3 Billion.

Trust your eyes and ears, folks. Trump lost money as president of the United States of America. Don’t be misled by gaslighting that paints Trump and Republicans as the sole focus of the story.

Influential American figure Oprah Winfrey has spoken about facing racism, sexism, and inequality. Her experiences are valid and should not be diminished. Countless people around the world can relate to her struggles. Despite everything, look at Oprah now—she has over $2.7 billion net worth. Her journey is a true testament to the opportunities available in America, often described as the shining city on a hill. Yet, she alludes to Trump and America being a racist country.

We understand that Trump was not being described as racist when she also referred to him as the folk hero of America before the white man ran for president as a Republican. Below is the letter of affection she shared with him, complete with a picture. Shared by none other than President Trump. When Oprah wished Trump to run for office in America!



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