Culture war and cultural wars concept or divided people in politics with different philosophy as cultures and ideology in conflict with left and right wing tribes fighting in a 3D illustration style.

This election is not about the “coming dawn of a new era” Ronald Reagan’s slogan. Or “Points of lights” under Bush one, or “it’s the economy stupid!” By Bill Clinton “Compassionate Conservatism” by Dubya Bush “Hope” or “Change” under Obama, but as said “Freedom and Democracy” by Uncle Joe Biden, and “Make America Great Again” under Trump in “America First”. But this 2024 election is a pivotal moment in history and time in America. This election will define a generation of coming Americans as to what government is all about. The hard times are here. Our outlook as a nation is one in which 70% of all our American race people say we are heading in the wrong direction. That is about all we can agree upon now bipartisan in America.

The 2024 elections are not about our ideals only, values, or ambitions. It is going to be the ugliest we have seen in generations. The mud fights coming, the legal maneuvering, and even dark money pouring in is all about “Who is more pissed off voter in America” at either Uncle Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Excuse my language “Who is more fed up with one or the other now”

Issues ranging from Immigration, racial to gender issues, and even sexuality are all on the ballot. The leading contenders are gender identity, abortion, DEI, white Privilege to immigration. If you think the country is evenly divided, these issues divide us even more. You see the base of each party believes in an issue on one side or another. Republicans are against gender identity, DEI, and abortion. Democrats for DEI, Abortion, and Gender identity issues. Not so fast. Here there is so much splitting among the base that one cannot quantify where one opinion is more valid than the next in popular support depending on who you ask now. I know of Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the issue. Depending on gender, color, religious understanding, immigrant, native, and economic class, or whether working class or educated class in America. These folks are all up for grabs now. By either party.

How you do this winning of voters matters. Any extreme position alienates some and attracts a few now. These are called wedge issues deployed by all parties.

To drive a wedge into the voter to vote one way or another.

This country is evenly divided now based on Democrats and Republicans. But there exists a margin of people whose numbers are growing astronomically due to the toxic nature of our politics today exhausted by it all and still undecided as to whom to go with this time.

It will not be the coastal Liberal states or deep Red Bible Belt states that decide this election. It will be the states with the most independents now who are a toss-up. We at Republican People of Color researched reading polls and trends to finally come out and speak. Republicans have the upper hand at getting the most pissed-off voters based on their issues.  Trust in Republicans is high, for the reason being those in charge Democrats get the blame for our status and situation now. The incumbent owns the outcomes of the past three and half years now. Unless they pull a Premiere Khrushchev of Soviet-era move who blamed everything bad during his tenure on his predecessor Stalin. A playbook that grows old with time and after being heard many times is the reason why things are messed up. Uncle Joe Biden used that card for the first two years blaming Trump, that card has expired beyond date now to blame Trump for his handling of the country.

The divide is real in America. But the base alone for either party cannot win this election. The holy grail is the independents now.

If this election is about Biden Trump wins and if it is about Trump, Trump wins too. The court cases have caused the masses to only see Trump on free media globally not just in America. Why Trump the avid understanding of modern media and pulpit use is aggressive compared to democrats’ means of outreach and messaging to the masses? I mean for every court date, every injunction, every charge. We talk only about Trump. Not Biden, Andy Warhol the great American artist best put it. “Any media even negative media is good media.” Why the country today Trump has an edge in polling with independents. They see him, they hear him, and engage with him the most. Uncle Joe Biden is not at that caliber today. Having teleprompter issues. The only good news for Uncle Joe Biden is Americans by and large don’t pay close attention to politics until after summer. Half the country does but even they are tired of the toxicity level at this early stage of the process. Many lament the choices given openly. The wedge issues will either drive up or drive down support for a candidate in a particular way or not now.

When Uncle Joe Biden says Democracy and freedom as we know it is facing Peril under Trump. Well, the media chimes in and explains that the deplorable, the rejected, the denied, the so-called mainstream extremist part of half the country is about to take over. By their acknowledgment and means of it by the establishment, elites, and powerful. When Trump talks of a forgotten people. We are the deplorable, rejected, denied, and now openly called extremist by our president, democrats, establishment, media, elites, and powerful. Trump resonates because most of us feel left out and know this country is heading the wrong way now. Any change of direction is welcome to it. That is half the country. Those are the ones worried about their culture, values, ambitions under racial and ideological quota systems imposed now, their bathroom use, sports, and even religious freedoms. This is getting traction. But what is most getting traction across all the board is immigration. The open borders policy is coming back to bite the democrat’s administration hard. So much so that this week they did a reversal on it in policies and narratives, yes, they also blamed Trump for it too just for safe measure now. Democrats are finally doing their job at border protection means being deployed now. It is the people of color who are now scrambling for housing, jobs, schools, healthcare needs, and access, their money used to be spread around to help house, feed, and educate the new illegal immigrants into America. We are a loving people but this disorderly way that even sanctuary cities in blue states mayors are crying foul now openly is just setting us all up for failure. It is not Martha Vineyards of America that welcomes our brothers and sisters from across the world. But our communities, hoods, barrios, and Chinatowns do so. We are already as communities given very limited resources in America. We all know that in America. Now put in a new rat race of getting it even further reduced per citizen to be spread around taking care of the needs of noncitizens at the expense of citizens’ taxpayers.

The American Race of People is not hateful. This is a nation built on immigrants all except for our Native American Indians who we all found here in America. When you allow 7.2 million noncitizens to walk into our country for political reasons or ideology rather than using practical ways of legal means of doing so at our citizen’s expense. There is a cost to pay for it during elections. The people want an end to it. Democrats and Republicans now. Biden Administration is seeing the same polls we are looking at now. The trend and pattern are visible even to the most die-hard supporters of Illegal immigration in America.

 How we narrate this issue amongst ourselves voting citizens is what this election will decide now. Negotiated or forced means of alleviating this process in executing solutions to it. Bipartisan or partisan. The census of America is coming soon. With that count, states gain seats in Congress others lose now. That also means resource allocation and division of power in the American House of Congress. Congress is up for grabs my friends, Allie’s, and partners.  It is not the love of immigrants that Democrats allowed this borderless situation but the love of congressional seats in states they control or want to control now. This depending on where you stand politically is seen as good or bad. Most Americans are deciding that now as independents especially people of color.

Messaging is important to all of America that we don’t alienate our People of Color whom the immigrants come from at this junction when we are so close to winning them by the highest margins ever in Republican Party history in 2024 thanks to Donald Trump. We the Republican People of color believe if we make the issue not of color but of citizenship and rights of it. We have a winning hand. But if we make it of racial composition and alienating of the communities we lose now that margin edge we need to win this election in 2024.

What does it mean to be a citizen in America? What rights delineate us from newly arrived individuals in America? As an immigrant, this country is loving, caring, compassionate, and godly in the ways it welcomes immigrants. But polling shows nationally we majority in America at least agree on one factor. Make illegal immigration Illegal again. We can’t take another 7 million people just crossing the border into America. We welcome immigrants with all our hearts and soul. But not at the expense of our existing communities of citizens beyond our managed and controlled means of legal immigration.  There is a cost to it not just economic but also political, social, and cultural means of it.  massive numbers like the last 3 years of Illegal immigration just throw a monkey wrench into the entire country and process. To know America is not bigoted about immigrants majority polls show Americans support, legal immigration. That is a sure winner for Republicans in America for even independents in the 2024 elections.

Our Republican People of Color is to message this narrative in compassion to the pissed-off voters now. Tell them another Biden administration or Democrats is an endorsement of open border policies in America.  This newfound spine by them to enforce protected border policies is but a strategy not a change of heart. We intend to create 45-second messages and infographics to explain it beyond creating talking points in the narrative for all activists, leaders, and canvassers and help register voters for it. Our urgent need is a lawyer to help us and a public fundraiser to join our team. If this is your values. Then we need you to the cause of getting Republicans elected in 2024. This election is going to be the most toxic one of all our generations. The ugliest one, with wedge issues galore. We chose to engage, fired up, and ready to go as Republican people of Color with dignity for the rejected, deplorable, denied, not heard, and forgotten people saying publicly, let’s make America First, starting with us forgotten citizens now. Let their mudslinging begin for democrats allies, friends and partners will go even lower now coming at all our message and narrative warriors not just leaders for it is that age too of their cancel culture means deployed. In more ways than one including other more powerful regimes influenced ways for our kind in America. We will take the hit on your behalf, let them come now, but we need allies, friends, and partners to cause. Will you be one now? It is our time to make Americans the race of people first Again.

We are fired up, and ready to go!


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