Mail In Voting: Play Or Lose Now

 Mail In Voting: Play Or Lose Now

Yeah, we don’t like Mail in Voting. As a Republican Party we are stuck on reality that is nonexistent. Yes, many democratic countries banned mail in voting means. Here is a list of them France, Mexico, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine, Japan, and many other countries do not allow mail in voting. Because of prevalence of fraud as in France in 1975, Mexico in 1992 and Belgium in 2018.

The republican party understands like them this system of voting is not 100% secure. One can have means to commit fraud on it. The reality is this format is popular now and many states chose it as an option to vote. The reasoning is solid in that voting should be made easier for all to participate. As a party we suck at getting folks to vote by mail. We have taken this dislike of it to our heads. The cost is folks voting by a margin of up to 10% in some states to the advantage of democrats. Those my friends, allies and partners is banked voters. People you have data on who already you got to vote to focus on those who need to be encouraged to go out and vote.

It is pay to play. Our democratic party are way ahead at these efforts, and we are not as republicans not even trying to pay to play. You will go to party conventions, and never will you not find one resolution saying we want same day voting in person. This is the mentality that will lead to loosing elections. The rules of the game are here already. Mail in voting is part of it. We are busy hating the players who play this game effectively. Hence hate the game too. But we must play this game called Mail in voting. If we ever want to win elections.

As activists among Republican people of color for the last cycles of elections going back 25 years. Let me let you in a secret. We would call the voters, speak to them, explain our party values and Ra Ra our candidates. We would knock on their doors and reach out a second time. Get them eager to vote for the republican ticket. Upon final call prior to elections. We get the news they voted already. As early voters by Mail in means. You see someone registered them to get mail in votes. Someone took the effort knowing that day and week the mail is coming. They went to their houses and sat down with them to vote for the democratic party. All the ticket names from top tier federal ones to positions at the county level. There we Republicans are going to just call them and say have you voted. Every step of the way. A person was hired to canvass the voter paid up to $20 dollars to go around civic events, commercial zones of retailers, neighborhoods, ghettos, barrios, and China towns. These are kids with clip boards doing this work. The money is as dark as you can imagine it to be. From Organizations to Political action groups. They work like a machine. We Republicans work as volunteers now. Does that explain the margin we are losing at for Mail in Voters.

Republican as a party either play by those rules or lose. Spend less on consultants and advertisement with pictures of people of color. Pay the youths to go canvass. Train them how and give them the narrative talking points. Give them clip boards and send them out. Let them register, keep track in real time means with technical abilities and then go out to help them vote. By mail in. That is the only way to up at least by 5-10% margin of voters among people of color. That translates into winning elections we are losing now.

Republicans are outspent by Soro type outfits doing this work across America $20 to $1 dollar. At the very least Republicans should spend some of those resources to pay to play to win now. We created Republican People of Color to teach the process. Yeah, we are stealing from the techniques of Stacy Abrams now. This is the game now. Mail in voting. We stopped hating the game and becoming players now to those rules given.

We on it this election cycle in 2024. To train Republicans the how, those willing to reach back for it.We have work to do now.


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