Republican People Of Color Are Tired Of Loosing!

 Republican People Of Color Are Tired Of Loosing!

If you said yes to this statement. What are you going to do then?

I mean some states up north we are getting walloped. Take for example Minnesota. The democrats uniparty state. They won the house, senate, governor and control the Supreme Court. A complete majority. We are getting beat stupid across the country. Easy to win seats and seats we should be competitive we are losing now. This is true happening across the country except in deep red states.

The autopsy to these results varies in understanding. One thing we know is population centers of cities across the country and suburbs are voting against the republican ticket now in margins that if not changed. This becomes permanent. The Republican party will never govern in majority means. Always will be in opposition. A minority in means and power.

Welcome to the world of being a minority we tell our Republicans of America. We barely have a hold on the house of representatives in congress, the senate and presidency is all democrat terrain of governance.

What is needed is an effort to win again and govern.

That path is and only available one is if we win a substantial new voter among population density areas of the cities and suburbs surrounding them. Open a census book and relearn demographics we urge republicans. You will find there exists within these cities and suburbs a class of people of color. Coming like all of us Immigrants and natives from cultures and motherlands or fatherlands who call America their Homeland. A majority are conservative in values but vote democrats for their issues.

The reason why is they will vote for the party they know than one that has never attempted outreach to them. On their issues. What are their issues. Same as majorityAmericans. Their pocketbooks, economy, standard of living and services provided to them by governance means.

The democrats take it one step further. They play Identity politics too. The politics of victim hood of our communities. Promising to be the knight in shining armor to rectify injustices perceived or systemic in means. This whether we like it or not works tremendously effectively to getting folks to vote on culture wars issues not bread and butter issues.

Regarding culture wars. These conservative communities believe in traditions,religions, cultures and understanding more in line with republican espoused values. But vote democrat because the first thing taught and spread religiously to us People of Color is that the Republican is only a white people party, exclusive and reclusive to us and our needs. Defamation of republicans is dominant in understanding of the party among People of Color. Hence willing to overlook their social values in conflict with democratic platforms and social engineering means of society detrimental to them and understanding.

On bread and butter. The democrats promise the following handouts. We Americans all of us LOVE handouts. Whether corporations, the rich or poor of America. The middle class none cares for now. The democrats have perfected the art of over taxing the rich and middle class to give pennies back in hand out to the masses to spend. In services, programs, and ventures of projects. All meant to social engineer society to accepting a more prevalent government dominance. All American Race of People do not like the overbearing ever present omni powerful government, but we also like the handouts. You can’t take one without the other now. So, folks vote for Democrats over Republicans. If these programs worked in solving America unequal means of bread-and-butter issues ranging from healthcare to food availability to jobs that pay well. We would all be democrats now. The hand up aspect of the republican party is not known. What is clear is for every tax cut the republican do, it will be defined as giving the middle class and rich a break. Forgotten is the understanding that Margaret Thatcher taught about the wealth redistribution means of socialism in vogue among Democrats tax and spend policies. Eventually we run out of people’s money. We are there now in America broke with 35 trillion-dollar national debt. This path will surely lead to hard choices ahead that we keep on pushing to our kids and grandkids now. We are eating the cake now.

To win again is to espouse your values of the Republican party. Give reason, take your narratives into the cities and suburbs.

We republican people of color are on it now, nationally if allowed to do so. We are tired of losing too. Losing our country, freedoms, future, and prospects thanks to democrats means and governance now. Messaging is important in narratives of the how we go about creating the coalition to win again as a party. Good news we have started that process already. Bad news the party has not figured this one out just yet.


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