Republicans are the New Blacks In America.

 Republicans are the New Blacks In America.

Post September 11th, a brother sat me down and said the following. You all came to America as Muslims, coming here for freedoms, liberty and rights. Economic, social and political means of it. We black people have been seeking it for over 400 years in America. The system no matter who is in control will never fully allow us to get there. You came to America believing that you can get that here in America. You will learn as we did what the system will do to your lot now. I looked at him and said, this is the freest country in the world. If not here, then we are all doomed now as humanity. True to his words the system got weaponized against us. We became a commodity for United Surveillance America and National Security Paranoia means. Society just like he warned to be micromanaged and controlled.

Why am I writing about this issue and you reading it. Well, as Republican People of Color. We are now passing on that information to all Republicans in America and those who have families, friends and allies who are republicans. Just like the brother told me a Muslim you are the new blacks in America, we are telling Republicans it is your turn now. You all kept quite when it was our turn, believing in media narratives about our kind in America. Allowed laws to be passed that wink wink folks knew it was meant for us out here. This is America, what is applied to one community eventually gets applied to all now. Post January 6th in Capitol Hill of 2020. Well, the gloves came off on all republicans. Starting with the leader they establishment, media, elite and powerful led by weaponized government agencies in Donald Trump. He was the symbol of everything they want to stop in America. He was the guy who stood up and fought back all. A lesson to be taught to Americans in taking him down. I mean two impeachments could not, 4 criminal cases and 91 indictments with potential for 500 years in jail should do it. Put these nails on his coffin.

Last week they convicted Trump with 34 counts of guilt by a jury chosen and selected by a District Attorney funded brought to power by means just to do that, in fact campaigned on it, with a judge whose daughter and him work and fund the democrats. Among a jury of a district that votes 80% democrats’ liberalism of coastal New York. Yep, republicans are the new blacks to the system now. Now that is half the country riding with this guy called Trump, including us Republican People of Color.

There are more cases coming up, many more moves these folks aligned with this process will do now. Elections are a lifetime away in November when you look at politics. A day is a lifetime in America. Expect more twists and turns. They are not done just yet.

What are we to do then, we the people?

You have an in alienable right to dissent to this process being frog marched by our democrats who have become Progressives, liberals, socialists and some communists in America today. We can do this peacefully and nonviolently for we are those who advocate for it in America. The how matters now. We can teach you as Republican People of Color how to speak of these issues without alienating any independent or base. Get People of color to see it for what it is. It is what it is now. Our country will go one way or another now. We double down on this process they have now going in America. Or we will be Free all of us not just them, elites, powerful, establishment, media and weaponized government agencies to help build a country together. My brothers and sisters who were once democrats, we miss you in America. You used to believe in fair play and rules. What your party has become is what we tried to leave behind where we came to beautiful America from Latin America, Africa and Middle East. Where one side uses the laws of the land to run roughshod on the others to make them comply to their will not by ideas, democratic means of elections, not reason, not logic but sheer unadulterated misuse of power now. They say these progressives, liberals, socialists and some communists now. No man is above the law. We agree to shout back. This system you are building and implementing is a TWO-TIER SYSTEM FOR OUR KIND IN AMERICA. Your lot is not above the law either. We will have our limited say come November in Elections to make this regime of this process to fall. So hep us God.

We are fired up, ready to go now.

Our Republican People of Color work is to create the narratives to shape the thinking, viral messages on social media, train activists and leaders of the party to do outreach to People of Color and then register voters to vote Republican. To bring back a sense of what America should be for all Americans not just the leftists alone by their sheer powers, allies, friends, and partners now. Because of that we Republican People of Color seek Allies, friends and partners to help us in this work. All are welcome, our urgent need is a lawyer and public fundraiser today. Looking for Patriots to this cause now. Will you be one now.

All we need is working phones, emails, internet websites, social media and that to be Free for all. That cannot be guaranteed today like social media shadow bans in effect today in America. Under this regime and folks in Power today. For those reasons, we are riding with the Orange man for he is the epitome of black today in America. Trump is getting our treatment of blacks and Muslims on steroids now. We know and understand republicans are all next now. Down to the grass roots means now by a two-tier system.

For that reason, this country come November will go one way or another now. We the people are going to decide now. We will have our limited say for that is our right, thank God for the awesome Constitution of the United States of America. We have all the freedom we need to do so Let’s go elephants time to rein in Donkeys kicking all of us down is upon us all. We just want back what is rightfully ours now. Destiny to chart our own path without micromanagement and control means of elites, powerful, establishment, media and weaponized government agencies today. Let us stand together, regardless of race or background, to reclaim the essence of what America should truly represent – a land of opportunity, equality, and freedom for all.


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